Coralrom en formato XML

Formato de transcripción en XML

<!DOCTYPE Transcription SYSTEM "coralrom.dtd">
<Title> problemas de novios 
<File> efamcv10 
<Sex Type= "woman" />
<Age Type ="B" />
<Education Type = "3"/>
<Sex Type ="man" />
<Age Type= "B" />
<Education Type= "3" />
<Sex Type ="woman" />
<Age Type= "B" />
<Education Type= "3" />
<Sex Type ="woman" />
<Age Type= "B" />
<Education Type= "3" />
</Speaker> </Participants>
<Place> Madrid 
<Situation> chat between friends at university, hidden, researcher participant 
<Topic> friends and lovers </Topic>
<Source> C-ORAL-ROM </Source>
<Class Type1= "informal" Type2= "family private" Type3= "conversation"/>
<Length> 6' 24'' </Length>
<Words> 1568 </Words>
<Acousticquality Type= "A" />
<Transcriber> Manuel </Transcriber>
<Revisors><Revisor> Guillermo </Revisor>
<Revisor> Manuel and Jesús (prosody) </Revisor>
<Says>yo le entendía perfectamente  y lo que no le quería decir era<ToneUnit 
Type="standard" />decirle<ToneUnit Type="standard" />mira<ToneUnit 
Type="standard" />Fran<ToneUnit Type="standard" />o sea<ToneUnit 
Type="standard" />yo no estoy enamorada de ti<ToneUnit Type="standard" 
/>entonces no lo voy a <Utterance Type= "suspension" /> 
<Says><Overlap>claro</Overlap> <Utterance Type= "enunciation" /> 

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