Pragmatic Annotation of Discourse Markers in a Multilingual Parallel Corpus (Arabic- Spanish-English) (4)
Pragmatic Annotation of Discourse Markers in a Multilingual Parallel Corpus (Arabic- Spanish-English) (4)

Theoretical Framework Studies in Pragmatics revealed that the communication process is carried out at the inferential level, i.e., the communication process is no longer regarded as a process of encoding and decoding the information, but as a process where the interpretation of the world of the speaker is encoded, transmitted, decoded and finally interpreted again

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Pragmatic Annotation of Discourse Markers in a Multilingual Parallel Corpus (Arabic- Spanish-English) (3)
Pragmatic Annotation of Discourse Markers in a Multilingual Parallel Corpus (Arabic- Spanish-English) (3)

Work Outlines The present study is organized as follows. After this introductory section, in the second part, we explain the guidelines defining our theoretical pragmatic framework. Based on this framework, in the third section, we describe the typology adopted in the classification of the discourse markers and how it is reflected through the PRAGMATEXT, the

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Pragmatic Annotation of Discourse Markers in a Multilingual Parallel Corpus (Arabic- Spanish-English) (3)
Pragmatic Annotation of Discourse Markers in a Multilingual Parallel Corpus (Arabic- Spanish-English) (3)

Motivation Discourse markers have been subject of different studies in the field of computational pragmatics and natural language processing. especially in applications concerned with the detection of document structure for automatic summarization or for the interpretation and generation of speech acts in speech corpora and dialogue systems (Kawahara & Hasegawa, 2002). However, most of these

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Pragmatic Annotation of Discourse Markers in a Multilingual Parallel Corpus (Arabic- Spanish-English) (1)
Pragmatic Annotation of Discourse Markers in a Multilingual Parallel Corpus (Arabic- Spanish-English) (1)

ABSTRACT Discourse structure and coherence relations are one of the main inferential challenges addressed by computational pragmatics. The present study focuses on discourse markers as key elements in guiding the inferences of the statements in natural language. Through a rule-based approach for the automatic identification, classification and annotation of the discourse markers in a multilingual

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