PRAGMATEXT (6): Conclusions and future work
PRAGMATEXT (6): Conclusions and future work

In this paper, a pragmatic annotation model and its implementation in XML language is presented. Currently the spontaneous spoken corpus CORALROM has been tagged. This is a corpus with a wide range of communicative situations and a large number of linguistic registers. The pragmatic phenomena tagged are emotions, discourse relations, modalization, evidentiality, phraseological units, metaphor

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PRAGMATEX in XML To formalize an annotation model in a Schema or DTD in XML language, there is a need to define what information will be introduced in the attribute labels and in the elements label. The application of the annotation model to the Schema is based on the principles below. The preferred option has

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PRAGMATEXT TAGSET The phenomena described here are: Each phenomenon described is analyzed according to the methodology adopted to design of the tagset: description of Pragmatic phenomenon; classification of pragmatic categories; inventory of lexical linguistic forms in which a phenomenon is codified and formalization in XML language. Emotional discourse The analysis of emotions has been addressed

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Pragmatext (4)
Pragmatext (4)

A pragmatic annotation model All phenomena described here have a cognitive origin, hence they are universals. A cognitive phenomenon influences social interaction and language. Therefore, the verbal communication process can be analyzed from three closely related levels: cognitive social, pragmatic and linguistic. At a cognitive social level, the theoretical framework described is based on the

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